Sunday, 12 June 2011

Julian Haggett Summer Recital

St. Peter Mancroft Church,
On Saturday I attended the latest Mancroft Music Summer Recital at St. Peter Mancroft Church, Norwich. This time it was Organist Julian Haggett who gave us a wonderful performance which delighted everyone who attended.

Julian Haggett is the Organist at St. Peter Mancroft Church, Norwich who has given recitals at Cathedrals and other venues around the country as well as across Europe. He is very familiar with the organ at this historic Norwich church.

The programme for the recital was Kyrie I: Plainchant, en Taille, Kyrie II: Fugue on the Juex d'Anches, Kyrie III: Recit de Cromorne, Kyrie IV: Dialogue on the Trompette et Cromorne, Kyrie V: Plainchant (Messe pour les Paroisses) - Couperin, Prelude & Fugue in C BWV 547 - Bach, Apparition de I'Eglise Eternelle, Sortie (Le vent de I'Esprit) (Messe de la Pentecote) - Messiaen and Litanies - Alain.

This was an enjoyable way to spend some time on a Summer afternoon in the Fine City of Norwich. There are two more Summer Recitals coming up at St. Peter Mancroft Church. 25th June - Elena Kiseleva - piano and 2nd July - Iain Quinn - organ.

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